Thursday, 29 January 2015

Racism's alive, because it never died. Duh!

I can totally appreciate the sentiment attached to a picture like, previous familiar community like, homogeneous #society like THIS (#Dagenham 1970's), evokes very poignant memories.
I guess being of a particular age, or societally homogeneous mindset, living in #Barking & #Dagenham 2015, 
(once a predominantly white area) which has seen a 200% increase in #Immigrantion in 5years, 
(which is out of control & ridiculous),
having a look out of your window and see everyone else but your own, 
(white people) .... becomes close to distressing, depressing, and lil strange.

So let's break this down.. 
The #English have a long history of 'taught intolerance', to aid and compliment the current political agenda, which filters from the top down, to the people.

Although #racism and most forms of intolerance have now been outlawed, 
'white #society' was NEVER reformed,
the general white public have NEVER actually, comprehensively, been TAUGHT OUT of a learnt intolerance.

Government tactics have literally been 

"just chuck in a whole heap of different races and religions and hope white people accept it, whilst financially immigration further lines our pockets"

There has never really been total
 'UN-INSTALMENT' of a ingrained #cultural racism, BEFORE 
- on the same 'societal hardrive' (analogy) 

So in one sense discriminatory behaviour is disgusting and i want rid of it, but in another sense i'd be kidding myself not to expect racial conflict & the re-emergence of a NATURAL STATE only #suppressed by the gains of temporary #privilege, inevitably reignited when things get tough!.

A once relatively #homogenous society unable to self govern, see a 200% influx on the streets of their once 'Great Britain', and ultimately 
....'struggle to behave'

Hey, if i had my way RACISM would be a mandatory GCSE.

Recently the word 'Coloured' in reference to black people has caused a stir, but most notably by white people who haven't got a CLUE what's wrong with the terminology. Doesn't make the word OK, it makes white society IGNORANT.
Learnt behaviour/expression, 
still lingering in the system. 

 So for me, (and i generally discourse with racist dudes all the time) by the same fist we clench against the #racist and condemn, we must then unclench and offer a helping hand, to teach the racism OUT of the inherently intolerant,  #xenophobic, selectively racist culture, which in these economically uncertain, times of hardship, WILL resurface and threaten to stand stronger and more prevalent than our opposing 'Anti-Racist' ideal society. 💚

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