Thursday 11 June 2015

There's NOT a Gang Problem in the UK -

There's NOT 
a Gang epidemic in the Uk,
there's only a problem with who or that which we perceive to be the problem.

- Do Not fall into the trap of parroting / supporting this purported problematic 'GANG CRIME' rhetoric.

Yes two dudes were stabbed dead in two days, yes many more have lost their lives in the UK through sporadic acts of violence.

But are so purported 'Gangs' the underlying cause .... or the effect? 

As a show of 'No Tolerance' yes we could send in the whole police force to nick (arrest) every suspected gang member and affiliate under the pretext of newly activated 'Operation shield', an all encompassing operation designed to indict members of gangs who don't even have to be present at the scene of an incident, but can be arrested separately purely by  suggested affiliation.

The name of the operation itself, indicative of lazy mayoral governance on Boris's part, a name loaded with bias perception, strategy & agenda towards our young people, suggesting our jobless, disillusioned, poverty ridden young community the enemy, threatening & attacking our Great British utopian way of life, there by naming the operation after a soldiers last line of defence, his shield, to defend, protect a nation under assault

These rousing terminologies,  underpinned by disproportionate gang related media coverage, are designed to assist and manipulate the already implanted stereotypes and onslaught of demonisations projected toward our struggling young people, so that the British public unsuspectingly support THEIR underlying political agendas..

Of which are surface solutions, 'Joint Enterprise' style , mass convicted / incarcerated and Mark Duggan style executions of apparent 'Gang Members' - Acceptable. Lawful killings, dis-proportionate sentencing, all in the best interest of the British people? 


Even if we suggest on principle Crime must be punished, do we want to create or further extend the pipeline of unproductive youth> to jail > re offend and back to jail....?

Overstand there's no weed without root, no surface 'effect' without underlying 'cause' - 

A man once told me the problem with re occurring spiders webs, aren't the re occurring spiders webs, but the elusive spider and it's intentions, it's nature, it's agenda. (Analogy)

Without addressing the root cause of gang related incidences, no matter how many of this generation we send to jail or execute & potentially fuel further riots, 

....the problems will only re-occur.

So what are the CAUSES of violent crime? High unemployment, Despondency amongst young men? Who won't tackle and further perpetuates the CAUSES, encouraging and facilitating generational poverty, violent youth crime, class disparity? 
and why? pin point that, and THEN...we can begin repairing the HUGE crack in a wall, we so credulously and continuously just paint over and hope will dissapear. lol 

Take a moment to critically analyse, and
Let's identify the real enemy to functional society. 


Facebook: OfficialJayKast

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