Monday, 23 February 2015

Lads - Racism's not 'banter'

A Lad is by common example, White English, hetro sexual Male, Likes a bit of football, bit of a drink, likes a bit of a laugh, so away from any serious responsibility near enough everything becomes a 'bitta banter' 

LADishness encompasses anything from pulling few 'birds', to getting your willy out, for no apparent reason, remixing a popular song, incorporating new semi offensive lyrics, to getting in a punch up & jumping repetitively on some sikh dudes head, whilst calling him a "terrorist cunt", all encompassed in a lads day out.

(something i witnessed) 
(i know Sikhs aren't terrorists, 
someone tell them that lol) 

With rise in right wing groups like the EDL - NF, UKIP & the British something squad, Racism is undoubtably re-surfacing. 

I've grown up around it all,
seen it, ignorantly laughed with it,
educated myself, & stood up against it. 

Ultimately the social statement ladish culture makes is 'white and proud'
'pro-homogeneus' 'englishness'
which is by defualt a breeding ground for racism.

i grew 27 years in a 
predominantly white society.
heard everything from direct racism, 
i.e (don't turn off the lights, 
we might lose jay) 

To indirect racisim, (i.e)
"come jay let's go to the paki man shop"
An intresting and notable dynamic to the relationship between black & white boys, as if being racist to an Asian dude was 'ok' because it wasn't about blacks?

Problem is 'lads', often in life, how people talk about others in front of you, they invariably talk about you, behind your back. 

So let's "av it right" - 
Ladish culture is an exercise of White Privilege, it attempts to on one hand acceptably trivialise through means of comedy many of societies uglies,
and de-sensitize the sensitive,
(which many comedians do anyway)

Majority of ladish culture isn't racist,
but invariably crude & prejudice, whether homophobic, mysoginistic or the national affiliations with countries breeding an almost innate sense of xenophobia.
Still more pertinently, in the face of racism Ladish culture in no way shape or form 
says 'no we can't cross that line'
thus maybe Racism is qualified through LADish culture?

LADish culture is an lower class English way of life, sharing the same sentiments that were, and are the catalyst to football hooliganism, 90% of drunk disorderliness  not to mention it's correlation with domestic violence.

But hey, you know what why would white lads take racism seriously?
i mean it's not as if it's effected them?
slavery's over right lads? 
multicultural, colour blind england right?
thus no distinction between races anymore?

Racism is treated like a joke, 
but it's not banter.

Yea i said it, the John Terry case exemplifies the thoughtless, lacklustre, flippant, light hearted attitude authorities have towards the severity of racism.

For me the whole case was a witch hunt,
& unsubstantiated, to charge a football player for racism, in my book is a life time ban, which for me would require undoubtable, unequivocal, irrefutable, evidence.

You should NEVER give an 8 match ban
 (a smack on the hand) for anything of a racist nature, anything you're showing no tolerance towards, anything you're trying to stamp out of football & society, 

All a farce, & believe me the light heartedness towards Racism, filters down into society, the lads saw it ,
they saw & internalised the flippant attitude towards racism, the 'sweep it under the carpet', condemn it, but ethnic minorities need to get over it attitudes displayed. 

Still lads, the current nonchalance towards discrimination, doesn't excuse your behaviour, the danger in trivilising another races dignity, is it festers within you, & breeds insensitivity, which when sparked, breeds contempt and indignance, which in turn
could lead towards you embracing the very same racist nature you never thought you would. 

i can see the Ladish aspect of the whole pushing a black dude off the train, in Paris, before the Chelsea vs PSG match, the group 'Mobb mentality' in it's prime.
furthermore i even get the 'banter-ial'
aspect within in the chant. 

And that's why i've wrote this, i do believe there was more naivety than anything racially motivated and insidious.
But this is your warning,
Ladish banter doesn't excuse Racism.
if you're not clear what Racism is,
time to get your head round it! 
..because lads it's Racist to agree with / condone by singing 
'and that's the way we like it' 
....that can never be Banter. 

Although as i always say, i'd prefer you be openly racist, that flippantly racist.
let's us know who we're dealing with.

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