Now i'ma try and keep this short, for those of you with a short attention span.
Firstly, if you are not aware of the current racially unsettled climate in hip hop,
do your research & then read this blog.
Stop reading shit out of context & then taking it out of context. lol.
"Hip Hop is ours, if you're not one of us get out!" - Says Azelia Banks.
(i paraphrase, but that was the general gist of it)
...After deliberating her words, and interview i heard this evening on UK channel 4 news, & her general online sentiment of recent.
i'm inclinded to agree. kinda.
First let's clear up who 'one of us'
refers to, instinctively i would guess she means Black rappers & the African American community, however i bet an english £10, she thinks Eminem & rick ruben are dope, & deserve their place in hiphop, so more probably by means of regulatory process, based on how the hiphop community relate towards you, co sighn you or nah, the respect you show hip hops foundation & black culture & the general narrative encompassed in your music.
Tick the above, welcome in.
However in more pertaining relation towards the issues of cultrual appropriation and the 'White faces' place in hiphop, i do think it's important to aknowledge the fact that Hip Hop, doesn't owe ANYONE out side of hip hop, anything, it doesn't champion nor was it founded to aid multi-cultrualism.
Hip Hop is ultimetly in protest to the status quos, in aid of oprressed, primarlily Black American society, a so called 'love child' to the Civil rights movement.
So remember, Hip Hop is regulated by & a reflection of the demographic it primarliy stands in protest for, in which i would suggest huge majority are disenfranchised, despondant, oppressed Blacks.
White artists that are aloud to rap, actually, represent & acceptably adopt the black culture, BUT not necessarily, black struggle, as by racial defualt do not encountor equal amount of issue, by systematic and insitutionalised discrimination as the black man or woman, thus Hip Hop music by defualt doesn't pertain to 'white culture'
So are we saying kick them out if they're not black enough?
Of course not, but let's put an end to the industry pillage of Hip Hop, the lucrative cultrual appropriations in Hip Hop, the privelge of a White face on the front of Black struggle, re-defined as 'hip hop'
.... let's have Hip Hop, rightfully back in Black hands, were by we decide who's creible or not.
However for that to happen, black people gotta start buying Hip Hop again!!!
Hip Hops only obligation is as a platform for it's true, original peoples political cause, it's every day existence is an act of rebellion, & shall remain as such, for as long as it's peoples battle against intollerant, unjustifiable, oprressive society remains.
The white faces role in that narrative is to Co Sighn, not compromise, is to lead the line, not re-define. is to say no to being a culturally appropriated puppet.
(cough) Iggy (cough)
Respect 'OUR' culture & you're OK!
@JaykastHD (@ me if you feel away)
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