literally make love in the air.
Interlock talons, play fight, feel each other out, communicate, as form of assessment to deduce the calibre & condition of the other as a form of courtship, (getting to know each other) that then eventually on hard ground, the Male is entitled to drop his seed.
Eagles don't interbreed, to breed with an eagle, you must be one.
Anything less will not suffice, the necessary 'initiation ritual' of the foreplay with the magnificent Eagle.
The Eagles then create the Nest,
A nest which takes a long period of time, bringing leafs, sticks, large & small branches, the nest is a collection of everywhere the parent Eagles have been, essentially, their story is in the sticks.
Once hatched the Eaglets, are fed in the nest, nurtured in the nest, loved and protected by the nest, until the nest becomes familiar, but only for so long can the eaglets, progress in comfort.
In time & with observation the mother Eagle initiates a process called
'stirring the nest' - where by she rearranges the outward facing branches that they now point inwards, the protrusions, sharp sticks, now create discomfort, challenge, obstacles for the Eaglets.
The mother eagle does this when she believes the 'Nest' has become to comfortable, limiting, a disability to her young, in knowing they have potential for more.
So that the first process of change for a young eaglet isn't it's environment, but its 'mindset', its attitude towards what was once comfortable, is now containing, what was once protection is now only a prison.
We all create systems to suit our environment, until one day, something or someone, stirs our nest...
'Deuteronomy 32:11-12'
"i will lead you, as an eagle stirs her nest"
Whether your Eagle is God or lifes courses, friends or family situations.
Your eagle is leading you, leading US,
Your Eagle knows
you can not stay where you started.
An Eagles wings are between 5-7ft long.
Wings that are not effective inclosed, wasted if not extended to their fullest capacity, held back &
unappreciated by the nest.
When the eagle stirs the nest it's un- comfortable but necessary, because the renewing of your mind, before you chose to change your environment/situation - is a process.
Are the nests of our communities too familiar thus restricting potential?
Is your nest too comfy, limiting,
have you outgrown it?
is someone around you too comfy in their nest, does it need stirring?
Are your our peoples problems really problems, or just the stirring of the nest?
(credit TD Jakes)
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