A shift predominantly first of black men, which often then leads the black family, from Christian to Muslim.
So what's the impetus behind the mass religious migration?
Is this a progressive solution for the Black family, or a problem?
...And if so whose problem?
Dr DiMeo suggests:
"Islam’s emphasis on responsibility and accountability is attractive to men"
“Islam delivers what fathers and husbands want for their families, strong men gravitate toward it. Therefore, it becomes male heavy,”
I think this explains why the religion is growing so much among populations that are seen as beset by moral crises in these areas — prisoners, lower economic classes, and minorities
“Here is a faith that’s going to hold me to a higher standard. Men are dying for this. Furthermore, Islam appeals to the kind of man who is repulsed by the soft, accepting and relational faith pushed in many churches today"
Rev Samueal Cruz suggests:
"Religion has a history, of either being an agent of liberation or an agent of oppression, so it depends what message you're getting, there's a changing face in christianity
and it's a result of religiosity, in that the message need to be much more contextualized and deal with real issues - (those out of sync with society) have seen a sharp decline in people of colour, in their congregation"
- Now whether Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, in response to the inadequacies & oppressions of the times, or because it is the one true religion, of the one true god/creator of man?.. is debatable.
But what's clear is Black men, especially young Black
males, have become far more susceptible to conversion, to both moderate & extreme branches of islam
Some may argue one mans 'extreme' is another's expected response, form of self defence against western brutality & hypocrisy, countless injustices, pillage of land & culture, as much as Nelson Mandelas ANC, or the Black panthers & bloods and crips were to Racism in Africa & America.
Although many Arab & Asain Muslims reject the notion of Black muslims and segregate in many countires, there are one denomination of Islam, in both the UK, parts of Africa & the USA, for the Black man.
Famously the home of greats such as Muhamad Ali, Malcolm x and Louis Farrakahan, the black mans 'Nation of Islam', (noi) whose political teachings, if not religious teachings i myself follow.
A group that teach the Black man was the first man on earth, that teach the value of black life, that dress well, empower the black family, respect its women, practice the most humane and moral standards, that make the 'Black man' look respectable & emphasise the significance of our true heritage...
And maybe in that's it...?
See if we dig a little deeper, maybe in absconding from the 'White mans religion' us black men feel a sentiment of true idenitity being restored?
Name changes being the most notable, such as the 'Malcolm littles' (Malcolm X) who later became re-identified as 'Malcolm el Shabazz', or 'Muhammad Ali' whose original name was 'Cassius Clay'
A legitimate method to rid ourselves of the slave masters name?
Still, what can't be ignored is that, many African Caribbean people in the wests level of 'Black conciousness' has inevitably raised. The longer racism's a threat, the longer we can not ignore that yearning to be ruiniinted with our roots, the more everything we've adopted seems less and less attractive, and we slowly begin to gravitate towards our true natures.
Leading us to question why we're worshiping a 'white jesus' - for the given history, for the fact he was never white in the first place, for the fact all that seems angelic & right seems to be white?
Consequentially the mental suppression, passivity & collective acquiescence 'white saviours' and 'white supremecy' have blanketed Black society with, has left our communities in a dis-abled, & heavily reliant state.
Black people have been & still remain to beaten down, worldwide, our black church ministers seemly currupt and leading the black man towards more submission & peaceful narrative, then along comes a religion of a god that has 'no image', a narrative that says, stand for your beliefs, & fight if you must!
This undoubtably speaks to a black man troubled mind, a man who's the head of the household, but feels impotent & powerless,
islam speaks against the hypocritical, sanctimoniously oppressive history of western politics, which has profoundly affected the black household, family, wallet & purse, the black man now ultimately seeks his truth, Islam in many ways is the alternative.
So in conclusion, the Black
mans exodus is a multi dynamical dicotomy of both failiures in the church/western politics, against the proficiencies of a well rounded authentic, politically and ethnically enabled way of life, in islam.
Problems may occur if Islam is percived as the protest religion in reaction to 'white supremecy' that for our historical dispositions, we may use islam in the wrong context if not properly taught or guided - As with Micheal Adeybolajo
(Lee rigby killer) (converted christian)
If ever 'Black islam' proves a problem, in western society, it will be an opposition created of their own doing, as Malcolm X once quoted, the 'chickens will come home to roost'
Invariably, Islam, is still a massive improvement on the compromised church & out of touch black Christian, in its current state.
If the Church wants to keep its black men, it must get 'up to the time' - the teaching must encorporate, politic, economics, & modern issues, using scripture to speak to the realities of the worse affected in modern society, rather than using old language, attitude & methodology to address new problems.
Islams proficiencies, thus attractiveness are in that it is not just a religion but a way of life, self encompassed manual in agriculture, economics, law and morality.
Is the church? does the bible allow the pastors to teach in comparative depth?
Ultimately time will reveal all truths, i would personally encourage all black men of new generations to seek theirs (truth)
...in which a study and following of both, (religions) to further supplement the others teachings, is VITAL, in form of moral guidance in a very troubled & stunted world, for the Black man & his family.
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