Sunday 10 May 2015

The adverse effects of 'Oral Contraception' (The Pill)

Over the years us men, many a male organ, and female, have come to benifit (sexually) from the increased pleasure and overall convenience 'birth control' 
'the pill' - 'the coil' - 'implants' 
have facilitated.

Still i've met women who've been on the pill for over 8years!!

And no longer could i ignore this niggling feeling that the RISK, of man made oral contraceptive, intervention, far outweighed the BENEFITS for the women we men purport to protect & provide for....

So in an age were by many of us are becoming noticiably health conscious, and less reliant on what we're told to consume.

- in light of everyday new found research suggesting  - 1 in 3 of us will get cancer.

Comes a time where as responsible humans, natural creations, we must ourselves, independantly in comparative relation to past & previous generations, analyse medical problems we're incurring in the 21st century, as heavily reliant 'cash cows' / guinea- pig- customers to the pharmaceutical industry, that those as far back as 50 years ago,
were NOT!

So i checked it out and here's some intresting info i came across...

In The Breast Cancer Prevention Program, Sam Epstein, MD, writes,

“more than 20 well-controlled studies have demonstrated the clear risk of premenopausal breast cancer with the use of oral contraceptives. These estimates indicate that a young woman who uses oral contraceptives has up to ten times the risk for developing breast cancer as does a non-user, particularly if she uses the Pill during her teens or early twenties; if she uses the Pill for two years or more; if she uses the Pill before her first full-term pregnancy; if she has a family history of breast cancer.”

Thus, a woman who takes the Pill for two years before she’s 25 and before she’s had a pregnancy to term increases her risk of breast cancer tenfold!

And it got worse

"Women who have a history of migraine headaches and who take combined oral contraceptives are two to four times more likely to have a 'stroke' than women who have migraines and don’t take the Pill...."

Along the same line of research, to my horror, oral contraceptive related illness's and fatal reprecussions (long term) continued..

'Brain hemmorage
IUD related Fertility issuses 
Aggravated Inslun resistance 
increasing chances of Diabeties 
& Heart attack
Pulmonary Embolism of the lung 
Pelvic inflamitory disease (pid) 
cramping dyspareunia (painful sex)
Dysmenorrhea (painful menstrul cycles)'

This IS NOT to suggest you 'will get'
but increase the likely hood 'of getting'
using 'The Pill' over 'long term periods'

(Don't just take my word for it, i encourage research into everything I assert for yourself)  

Now i appreiciate many women use contraceptives to help “balance hormones” or prevent acne, even tackle the issue of Calcified Ovaries etc..... 

The problem is that this is just treating the symptoms, and not addressing the root cause. 

The body naturally moves toward balance so if hormones are out of whack, it is not from a contraceptive deficiency, but rater that the body is not producing the natural hormones optimally.

Treating some of the symptoms with hormonal contraceptives, not only doesn’t fix the root of the problem, but it can lead to bigger problems in the future as the underlying imbalance can still be causing other problems in the body.

So here are some natrual means of 'Hormone balance' 

  • Maca– A tuber in the radish family that has a history of boosting hormone production and libido. Many women notice less PMS, increased fertility, and improved skin while men notice increased sperm production, libido and better sleep. Maca is also high in minerals and essential fatty acids, making it great for hormones.  It is available in powder form (least expensive option) or in capsules.
  • Magnesium– Magnesium supports hundreds of reactions in the body and often contributes to better sleep (which is great for hormones!). There are several effective forms of Magnesium: In powder form with a product like Natural Calm so that you can vary your dose and work up slowly,  ionic liquid form  can be added to food and drinks and dose can be worked up slowly,or  transdermal form by using Magnesium oil applied to skin. This is often the most effective option for those with damaged digestive tract or severe deficiency.
  • Vitamin D- A pre-hormone is supportive of hormone function. Best obtained from the sun if possible, or Fermented Cod Liver Oil.
  • Fermented Cod Liver Oil– Provides many of the necessary building blocks for hormone production including Vitamins A, D, and K. It also is a great source of Omega-3s and beneficial fats.
  • Gelatin is a great source of calcium, magnesium and phosphate. It supports hormone production and digestive health and helps sooth inflammation, especially in joints. We use Great Lakes Kosher as I was able to verify with the company that it is sourced from grass-fed, humanely raised cows, and as such is higher in nutrients.”

So Natural or Pharmaceutical?

Ladies, look at it like this, hormonal contraceptives are made from artificial 'hormone-like' substances, alike to 'food like products' -  that attempt to mimic the effects of naturally occurring hormones in the body. Hormonal contraceptives work by suppressing the release or hormones that trigger ovulation.

Now as men we often erm, shall i say
'make mistakes' - 'get carried away' 
& i once of personal experience woke up wondering what the hell i had done last night?!!

... until she educated me as to Natural methods of not only contraception but post-sex birth control,
(Note) not 100% effective, however i'm witness to their proficiency!  

So here are some natrual contraceptives many women have been using long before western medical science! 

1. Queen Anne’s Lace

2. Blue Cohosh

3. penny royal

4. neem oil

5. powdered organic Ginger root

6. pommegranate 

Each herb has its own way of being taken, some are taken daily, while others are used on an as needed bases, after potential exposure to sperm during a fertile time. 

Generally, herbs that are taken on a daily basis need some time to take effect, an alternative method of birth control should be used during the waiting period to provide protection.

So in conclusion, the doctor says take breaks in between your use of the pill, i would suggest you take LENGTHY breaks, & discipline yourself to minimise your sexual activity!

We're natural beings, and i write this article as a concerned man, for the women of the 21st century, far too openly neglecting their health / bodies, - 

bodies i would suggest we should now more than ever, consciously compliment, with what we put in....

Facebook: -JayKast

Twitter: JayKastHD

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