Wednesday 20 May 2015

The importance of system within the Black community

Turn on your tv, browse your social media timeline, read opinionated tabloid articles, in times of turbulence within or unto the black community, pertaining to opinion of the black community, and you can't help but notice a host of platformed celebs, biased news anchors & other individuals, NOT of, the black community; not for the black community, analysing and indoctrinating solution, (to society) as the 'voice' of black people on white media, for people they were never, given authority to publicly represent.

Whilst this is a media tactic employed to the aid of the oppresser, to keep us divided, through convoluted narrative,
it's also a failure of our behalf..
- by not for the last 150 years, occupying and progressing one particular narrative, in aid of any one particular solution to the overriding 'black problem'
(or should i say white problem)

We have no promoted solution, because we have no wholly supported movement, and no wholly supported movement because we have no majority supported/elected individual, entrusted to postulate, create and initiate a system of change. 

We as black people ever since the end of slavery seem to think we can do what we like and get what everyone else has gotten.

we ourselves are a system of biogenics, under a 'system' of racial subjugation, that seems to think we need NOT operate a counteractive-narrative, system towards our own empowerment and self determination.

Everyone has a SYSTEM in place
why don't we?!! 
(read my previous blog MR Chang)
Not THEIR system...... but OURS...

Now by system i mean, a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized scheme or method towards the empowerment and self determination of black people!

A system which doesn't need take us away from the advantages of the system we operate under, but works in parallel until further notice, may even feed into the dreaded capitalist state, still a 'Belief system' based on that which is historically accurate, socially, economically to the greater good of black people! 

- Still, adhering to one particular system is a heavily contentious issue throughout a fragmented black diaspora, due to heavy counter-rhetoric behind the fictive ideologies such as Multi cultrualism and the 'colour blind society' ... still when you begin to internise that race is stil a major deciding factor towards ones quality of life.

We over-stand the necessity, for both a Black belief system and conscious black representation/leadership... 

  •   We as human beings are          organisations of system.
   - We are living proof proficient system, works towards survivial & advantage. 

    •   System is the founding principle of all living, intellegent existence
    -  Again, as subordinates of a higher power / nature - we comply with or innovate in order to survive. 

  • Systems interact with their environment at all times; information is used to adjust and control behaviour.
        - If something or someone stands to the detriment of our surival, we must either adjust that system to co-exist 
(tried that) or consequentially adjust or erect our own, in favour of our own, towards our own existence. 

  • Oppressed groups of any system, in organisations almost always think parochially; that is, they think of the world in terms of their group and its role, purpose, objectives, problems, ways of thinking and understanding, & language.
         - Law of human nature suggets we in the face of oppression must sucumb to putting ourselves as a group, and everything that pertains to our survivial first!!!
  • All system’ sub-elements are subordinate to and responsible for success of the larger system.
      - This is important, this tells us all systems sub elements (people,movements) in order to function efficently, and effectively towards desired goals, are subordinate to (under the authority of) larger part of the system, the sub system elements, must accept leadership! - but also remember they're the backbone, the mechanics behind that leader, yes, students to teachers, but what are those teachers without their students?   
  • Overall efficiency depends on the quantity and quality of the interaction and feedback of systems elements.
       - The obviously most significant principle to any working system, is unity,
in numbers, carriying out what we are taught, told, suggested, under one umbrella, by one narrative, toward one goal, proficiently! 

So it's really quite simple, for the sake of a greater good, we must all understand the neccessity of a black belif system, and commit to the understanding of leadership, as explained, why larger parts of a system (leaders) work in relation with as part of an interdependent belif system with the sub elements of that system, US.

Whether it's Pan-Africanism, or the words of Elijah Muhammad, whether it's revoultionary principles and teachings of jesus or updated methods and self affirmtions from Marcus and Malcolm.
Maybe all infused into one!
As long as it suggests US first!!!

Reactionary system in reaction & retaliation to the 'system' of White supremecy, is ordered by the very law of human nature itself; & to erect that system, to move the indotronated arms into avenues of economic empowerment and westernised hands to fight on the frontline, subjugated feet towards million man marches of civil disobedance & protest, and our stolen hearts back towards the unconditional love of mama Africa!

.... those functions needs instructions from the head, the mind, the vision of the eyes to lead the body towards a greater good, the entrance of the mouth to both speak unto the enemy and feed the body the educative nutrients it requires....
a LEADER, of a system desighned toward the empowerment of a body of people. 

- @JayKastHD

Facebook: OfficialJayKast 

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