Take back BLACK.
This short analysis is based on something i've propogated for a while. Brief outline of translating our productions, self inclusion or exclusion into leverage and power to the aid of our community issues and agendas.
Black Lives Matter right?
Wrong, i believe it was Assata Shakur who said (and i paraphrase) -
"No oppressed people have ever liberated themselves by appealing to the moral sensibility of their oppressor"
To some, that may imply we gotta physically fight or dislike the rest of society for contributing to our oppression, but to me, it now reads
The Black community, where ever you go, are so obviously encumbered with injustice after injustice, high crime and high unemployment, admittedly the same demands as every other group, but for our lack of knowledge, over-integration, we, for 150 years (since slavery) have sat firmly on the very means to secure our liberation, riches, and improvement in quality of life!
- Doing for ourself. -
So it's time to analyse our strategy!
Thomas sowell said in relation to poverty, high crime and unemployment,
"There are no solutions, only tradeoffs"
What this means is in economic language is - 'scratch my back and i'll scratch yours'
Money runs the world, as does labour, as does resource, but ultimetly so does production!
Each group, nation, people produce something, not only to the aid and cultivation of their own, but to use their production as a bargaining tool for something they do not have.
Black Music is one of our many productions, Sports is also an area we dominate & over populate.
Our over-representation in these branches of society is both our achielies heal & if utilised, source of empowerment, in trade towards negotiation towards individual solutions.
When the portuguese first came to Africa searching for free labourers, they traded guns and gold for tribal war prisoners, the tribe whom traded the prisoners, in a state of humane servitude, needed guns and gold, to fight other tribes, and the european needed labourers to build on already occupied found land, the african at that time didn't think in terms of Black and White or Black power, but only in terms of his tribe or nations vs invaders, not understanding he was trading black people into slavery,
but not to digress...
We must understand the value of our commodity. Our production, consumption and ourself inclusion.
As it stands we within the entertainment industry, particularly Black Music, which heavily feeds popular music is a multi trillion dollar/pound industry.
Our issue is we have yet to really translate a voice/music born in the struggle of Black people, towards allievating the everyday oppression of black people.
As it stands we are in the western hemisphere, as BLACK PEOPLE, are one of the highest, if not the second highest CONSUMER, a consumer is the buyer of goods, generally a balanced group has a balanced output to input, consumption to production, what they produce and use to their advantage vs what they buy or in trade gain from another community.
We are second to white people, in both UK and USA, UK Black people spend around 100billion a year, whilst African Americans spend 1trillion a year,
most of this money is spent on wasted items throughout the year and at christmas, with little or nothing towards our own political or economical gain.
www.webuyblack.com <<<<<<
Politics and Economics go hand in hand, jews aren't sterotyped as 'tight with their money' for no reason, they keep their earnt money, of the back of their production or business endeavour within their community, long enough that it benifits most and then leaves to circulate another community, in economical terms it 'bounces' 13 times, which is great, for them.
.... In the black community?
..... well it doesn't even bounce ONCE!!
We get paid by white people, and spend it back with white people!
This in comparison to others behaviour is inappropriote, and quite obviously and directly related to our struggle!
And so i say, Take back BLACK!
Now as for BLACK MUSIC,
black music defined
Black music is a term encompassing music produced or inspired by black people, and or where black people are the predominant contributors, including Sub-Saharan African music traditions and African popular music as well as the music genres of African American music which arose in times of slavery that characterized the lives of black Americans prior to the American Civil War.
So as it relates to hip hop, in context of using our productions to empower our people, we first must engineer a conduit between the artists (entertainers and sportsatars too) and the communities they come from, have family in, and in my opinion a moral obligation to!
Secondly, any institutions or establishments, individuals or groups that are found to be in breach of adhearing to their obligation to black people as human beings, shall be sanctioned, and boycotted.
Thirdly any artists or contributors to our music who DO NOT use their platform to speak up in our time of need, whilst benifiting from US, gotta get it in the NECK.... and i mean that, we gotta take it back to the street in certain respects,
regulate and run 'they ass outta town'.
We say hey Mr Record Label 'jewish' man, our production is no longer yours to exploit us, we're taking this back underground, the demand for black people in black music will NEVER subside, we bring the rythmn the rawness, that melination makes black and so popular/urban music genuine.
What if all the Black NBA players said fuck your leauge. we gunna form our own?
If the black football players collectively
boycotted the next game, in the face of any socially racially motivated incedent?
What would happen if Nightclubs that reject or refuse to deal with our people, don't get our money, djs, or celebs?
... We hold the celebs and artists to account with our support or our #BlackTwitter #BlackMoney -
Support or disgracing/boycotting/withdrawal.
We collectively withdrawal if our celebs do not play ball.
We collectively withdrawal if clubs don't play ball.
We collectively withdrawal from anyone we issue demand on that doesn't play ball.
We gotta get this in our heads, all these systems NEED US, our complicity is their profit. If they're not relevent they're dead!
This is the 21st century method to fight back, or make TRADE toward our community problems!
Now granted i haven't gone into depth, but i believe the idea of ownership, trading our hard work for better quality of life, is something anyone reading this can conceptualise and get busy with!
Claim it, own it, regulate it, don't let no one take what we gave the world.
Stop Marching, stop asking, stop tryna be your enemies friend.
Our survivial & prosperity is in power, a power we already OWN, just need to organise to mobilise & so utilise effectively!
Any quiries @JayKastHD
Facebook: JayKast
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