Great educator
John Henrik Clarke said:
"A childs first Nation, first Community, is their family, the Family are the soul, the spirit and cornerstone of a nation"
The understanding is that the Family state has direct impact on the state of the community, and so collectively, a nation.
The families way of being is our first real exposure to the world, to behavioural expectations, to cultrual norms and ultimatley a designated value system.
So it's said, the education/value systems we introduce our young ones to, should align with the problems they face, conducive to achieveing the best results for them and their future families, in relation to our Social, Cultural, Political and Economic circumstance.
If you're poor, and grew up in a poor area, more than likely most people whom live around you were also relatively poor, and so behaved in a particular manner, by way of working long hours, or voting for a particular political party in their best interests (etc) these are 'incidental community commonalities'.
And so similar in African-Caribbean communities, as minorities in Britain that collectively emanate from heavily disadvantaged beginnings, (in relation to the host nation) - 3-4 generations living below the poverty line, racially-disenfranchised, victims to the residual effects of a 400 year slavery / (removal from society) - and so lack of cultural education, economic foundation - by way of buissness or institution.
(We could go on)
When Black, West Indians first came in mass, to reside on UK shores, during the No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs era, the incidental mentality was BLACK FIRST, the task at hand was THEN, as it is today, to build and secure better quality of life for the future generations.
Whilst we went on to own a little property and set up various movements to ensure our human & racial rights, we fell very short of tangible, collective, progression, inevitably buckling to the social pressures that required us to conform, right back into the trap of subscribing to 'British Values & British way of life' whilst in many key areas, like Black ownership, Black education, and Black culture, abandoning our own.
Our behaviours, in the sense of whether employee or employer, selfless or selfish, individualistic or co-operative, emmenate from the society we create within our household. These values, precepts, norms, transmigrate outwards into our immediate community, forming the current culture.
Much of that we deem adequate to teach our children, and our manner of behaviour in adult relationship is socially constructed for us, in order of achieving a socially constructed norm.
However we must understand their norm from a position of maintenance, at the top of the ladder, may not be so conducive to our circumstances attempting to move up that ladder, and so we see the results of working within a a set system, huge disparity, vast inequality, one set of people het richer whilst another get poorer and poorer,
DR Amos Wilson says:
"An unconscious, socially un-aware family, will produce a compliant, inferior family.
Social realities are things that men create themselves, and therefor collectively we have the ability to raise children to create the reality suitable and conducive towards the development of black people"
In order to exist in a competitive, rather than co-operative society, as a designated group, our group can not be wholly dependant on its competition to provide, in order to survive and deal with its own problems adequately, must
'Do for self'
White families attitude in their own country, built by their families, will exude and air of 'Maintainence' - supporting their own, protecting their intrests.
'keeping things the same' very conservative, and so the social climate, will compliment the value system they implement in their household.
The Black families attitude as immigrants is in order of 'Building' to maintain their survial and bring themselves onto a level playinf feild, and so Family value system, should reflect their society obligation.
When the Black Family, assimilates or too heavily integrates, we neglect our responsibilities, to ourselves, our families our communities and so the nation, this quite obviously has many household, and communal repercussions.
The manifestation of 50% Unemployed 16-24 Year olds, 40% prision population, sharp spikes in violent crime, 142,000 single parents in African-Carriebean households! - May all share very intimate relationship with neglecting to BUILD, in order to heal & nurture the wounds we came into the UK with, a wound without attention gets infected and spreads.
In such circumstance the wound must be isolated, and operated on.
..And so an independent initiative arises to save the day, one by the name of 100 Black Families, an initiative rooted in Self-Love - Self-Care - Self-preservation.
In order of building the basic foundation of any community, its family.
Black families must understand their position, purpose and direction,
then form consensus in the best intrests of moving in set direction.
This consensus can't just apply to one group of Africans and not West Indian,
One group of Black Christians and not Muslims, but eventually all must adhear to a very basic covenant of commitment to one and other.
We begin to construct this Black revolution not by Marching or asking anyone else for what we can do for ourselves, but instead, correctly by way of coming together under one umbrella, one agenda in aid of highlighting and cultivating our commonalities, one of many being our blackness.
Qualifying and so Advocating the need to occupy our blackness, and put our blackness first.
Before hate we put love, before them ME put US, before theirs we put OURS.
We shall learn as a 'Black Family' to put our immediate family and so importantly collective 'Family' first in order of obligated responsibility towards stability and our desired goals.
We gotta fund ourselves though, because whilst community building is totally legal, our progression isn't in the competitions best intrest, and so to remain in creative control, so not to water down the elixers potency in healing the wound, if we fund it, we run it!
For US, by US.
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